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Phew! Summer might be a traditionally slower time for yarn lovers, vetement monster energy but we’ve sure been busy around here! Casey and Jess are, of course, caring for their sweet new baby girl, Monster Beats Sale and Sarah and I have been happily busy at work (both traveling and at home).
Our first booth at TNNA was everything we hoped for! Sarah and Moncler Pas Cher I had a wonderful time hosting designers for trunk shows and meeting shop owners from all over the country. A big service that we launched at this TNNA show was our new In-Store Pattern Sales service. This is a brand-new feature that allows yarn shop owners to sell patterns that designers have made available through this service to their in-store customers.
In-Store Pattern Sales: How Does It Work?
Participating LYSOs can search for patterns available through this service (designers agree to Paul Smith Bags the pricing scale for any patterns they want to include as long as they are available through the Ravelry pattern store, and shops sell the patterns at the suggested retail price) and sell them to customers through their shops, printing the pattern for the customer in-store if desired. Patterns can also be emailed to the customer and saved in their Ravelry library. At the end of each month, shop owners receive a combined invoice for all the patterns sold during that month, and pay for them through Ravelry via PayPal or a credit card. There are no Ravelry fees to shop owners Juicy Couture Handbags for using this service. The usual pattern sales fees apply for designers.
The In-Store Pattern Sales service received an incredible response at TNNA, Dre Monster Beats and we are more excited about it than ever. Shop owners brought up so many advantages to this service: many shops love to carry paper patterns but may not be able to carry a designer’s full line, Chemise Boss Pas Cher or may have a shop sample that is selling patterns and yarn like hotcakes and expressed interest in using this service as a way to offer the pattern when they are waiting for a new shipment. Some shop owners saw this as a great way to connect their local customers, even those who are less internet-savvy, to patterns that are going viral online but not available to sell through traditional wholesale methods. Every shop we spoke to gave us more inspiration and Veste Ralph Lauren ideas – we know that this feature is brand-new in our industry and we couldn’t be more excited to launch it.
Currently, Chaussures Gucci Pas Cher we are contacting the shop owners who signed up at TNNA, Jeans Armani pas cher but if you are a local yarn shop owner who would like to offer this pattern in your store (brick-and-mortar shops only: this service is not available for online shops), we have registration information for you at the end of this post.
Thank you, designers!
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